
Satya-adAITA yoga


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In satya-advaita yoga, one needs always to cover all ones sources of danger to one's survival before taking the next step forwards.

I have made progress because I have stood by this tenet of truth-seeking, namely by probing the environment, exposing the environment relating to oneself and truth-accommodating within the environment. 


This is the art of Self-preservation.

There are all kinds of obstacles and these take many forms in having to live in a less than ideal State that is the nation of a country. All one's resourcess should be arranged for one to be able to defend oneself against the elements of the environment. One makes contacts, and drops the contacts when they beome a liability towards the ideal of liberation in Self Preservation, for one cannot expose oneself unduly. 

This is why anyone seeking the truth through the art of satay-advaita yoga needs to have his own websites and write relentlessly in the websites. It is not to publicse oneself in the Court of Public Opinion. It only serves the process of survival in a hostile environment.

For once something is published, the materials can be used in legal proceedings, aimed at defending oneself. Family, friends and acquintances are all dispensible.

It is for this reason that I have written 169 eBooks to go with my 23 websites in competiton to get to the top: to be a lion with dignity to match. 

They only serve me until the end of my life, after that the websites and books that I have developed have served their purpose and are well past their sell-by dates. No one cares. The only people that matter are those living now. I have nothing concrete to prescribe as religion or any form of subservience to a God or Gods. Even the God that I have supposedly taken my inspiration is used by me to make arguments in search for the need of self preservation. This is because we humans have interactions through conversations. No one can convince anyone else of their beliefs and methodology, except the one of knowing how to survive in ones environment and circumstances. One needs to create arguments without closing off possible revisits to a partcular person or institution that is a source of danger for oneself. 

When I did not know the art of survival because I had not practiced satya-advaita yoga, I ended up in a lot of trouble with the State that I lived in and it incarcerated me on two occasions (2004 and 2008) in the mental hospitals of the United Kingdom. I learnt from this that one needed intellectual resources to let it ever happen again. The State could not tolerate this and set up a thousand plus traps to get me into legal difficulties with a view to have me deported to India or worse Pakistan, and when that failed because I had played my cards right, it tried to get me imprisoned in a jail. It all had to be negotiated intellectually. There was no time to waste. It tried again and again. I spent money to withstand the oppression. I became a Master Escapologist.


Do not think; thinking generates delusions and hence suffering. Stay still in awareness and let the future unfold. Then only you act wisely.

Reality changes one moment to the next, so the only way to sharpen one’s mind to know what is going on moment by moment is to develop the faculty to be able to fathom the imminent reality. And it is possible to do so. By losing all one’s attachments and beliefs including belief in a Personal God, and having no objectives, plans, aims, wishes, hopes, expectations, anticipations, desires and the total relinquishment of ego, the mind is clear and still without thoughts polluting it. For polluting it is, worries, uncertainties, anxieties, paranoia, depression, are all symptoms of that pollution of the mind.

The clearest truth emerges when one is totally free of such bondages and one is liberated. This truth leads one to actions that are failsafe in terms of Self-preservation because it is harmonious with the Reality of Nature. Harmonious means fitting in, truth-accommodating: as the holistic approach to living.

Let the truth-path navigate you to your destiny, for the greatest treasures lie ahead through this process of living. One attains joy for which the Hindu word is ananda. One is free.

Awareness of the imminent Reality is the endproduct of satya-advaita yoga when no thoughts arise for truth-seeking; That is all that a person needs to get on with his or her life.

Reading scriptures or following ancient gurus no longer alive to answer on what they reportedly taught cannot replace 'satya-advaita' yogic quest for knowledge.


Some person is reported to have said that if there was no God people would need to invent one.

After 25 years of soul searching, I have finally seen the logic of this argument. I invented a God, or relied upon an unseen, God. as a Personal God residing in my psyche as I have written about in The concept of bhakti towards and indeed surrender to such a hidden Power brought me through considerable upheavals in my adult life but I was never certain if there was a real genuine God whom I called Sri-Krishna-Durga as two sides of a God guiding me.

But today on the 27 of January 2023 I have no regrets. I had attributed my visions, utterances and writings as being inspired by one such God very early on in my struggle for survival in the United Kingdom. However as a Pharmacologist by first degree, the science does not provide a clue as to what causes visions, de ja vous symptoms, unusual experiences of the mind working through one's brain and one has to be skeptical that a God for whatever reason had planted any of those thoughts into my mind. 

I searched all avenues and finally determined a truth-path in which I had no aims, ambitions, missions, needs, wishes, hopes, aspirations, ego, and just carried out my actions nonchalantly, spontaneosly and unpremeditatedly and this has been practiced for a year and a half amid terrible struggle to survive from the onslaught of persecuttors out to disprove me that I was God or that God sided with me in my dogfight with my enemies. During the past 4-5 years I gave up the idea of surrendering to a real God for I never knew what such a God would want of me to do in life. I just tried to survive with my family in tact and avoiding all the legal traps that were set my my enemies who were intent on defaming me by having me locked up in a prison cell or a mental hospital after they failed to boot me out of the United Kingdom.

All along I was searching for the truth through my truth-path and conceived of the idea that everyting is preordinated and preorchestrated as if a God was in charge in the affairs of mankind and of the planet Earth. Today, having survived, I can reflect that I have no proof of the existence of a Personal God, or even a Creator God, or of Brahman, all I know is that one needs to have a focus on truth and chart and navigate oneself through life towards what may lie in store. 

My survival is largely due to the assumption that we are not alone in the universe and we can debate on whether there is a God; if there is not we would need to invent one so that people are guided into dharma (duties and righteous actions) out of a consideration that a God is watching whether or not it is true. 

So there is much to be said in favour of assuming that there is a Personal God for it is a rudder that guides one forwards, like the reins of a horse drawing a carriage.

Now I can talk about it because I am free and totally liberated and have no need for a Personal God whether it was imagined or real.


Shantanu Panigrahi

14 November 2020

Shared with Public


Good and Evil: I do not consider that this form of duality exists like the Ying-Yang theory. There is a middle path that balances the good and evil. Purely-good as sattvic guna or purely-evil as tamasic guna is balanced by the routine-dharma of rajasic guna. It is therefore not appropriate to consider making oneself purely good. That is collecting pious points for self-glorification. The rajasic path is the path to total knowledge and the shattering of one’s ignorance. This is what the Bhagavad Gita alludes to. In the rajasic guna path one understands Brahma-Nature fully through the adoption of Satya-advaita Vedanta. Dharmayudha is the basis of self-preservation through balancing one’s actions in harmony with good and evil attributes of Nature. It is wrong to crush evil to extinction. One must only protect oneself with evasive measures. Then the evil goes away. We are all in peace then, the sattvic, the rajasic and the tamasic. If one believes in God as the Creator and Preserver of the universe we must strive to protect Mother Nature in all its three components as such by perfecting the art of self-defence as the dharmayudha. This is the lesson of the Mahabharatta. The Pandavas did not win outright against the Kauravas. In the end of the battle of Kurukshetre they went their separate ways. Material justice was not entirely served on the Pandavas. I too did not win my perceived £55,000 redundancy money from the University of Greenwich for Unfair Dismissal from employment or from other employer since. The pursuit of justice through truth exposure is therefore the perfection of the art of balancing oneself in Nature through ahimsa. The only struggle that succeeds towards self-preservation in the dignity of liberty in security and security in liberty which is when truth has prevailed as in Satyamev Jayate is the non-violent one. For that one must have total knowledge. Rajasic guna is governed by Lord Vishnu not Lord Brahma or Lord Shiva in the Hindu Trimurti. Krishna was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, as an advisor to the Pandavas. It was Lord Vishnu who requested Sri Krishna to incarnate as Krishna directly as the Creator of the Universe. The good Superlord Sri Krishna is highly benevolent. He does not take sides because He is the creator of Brahma-Nature with its sattvic, rajasic and tamasic guna Lords in the Trimurti.

My point is be a Vaishnavite and practice this Sanatan dharma on this most auspicious Deepavali day the festival of lights for Sri Krishna is here even now to emancipate humanity from the ignorance of this Kaliyuga. So see coronavirus in a positive way because only Brahma-Nature has to deal with it, not we as humans without the knowledge of this latest threat from tamasic component that is a new species of life. We must not grumble and complain about any or such misfortunes, just pray to Lord Vishnu to ask Sri Krishna to guide us individually with knowledge and wisdom to be able to deal with our problems subconsciously that is unpremeditatedly and spontaneously not with mind-deliberations of what might be happening to us. When this happens when one truly sees the reality and one's conscience is clear because one has not deliberately set out to harm another being, whether plants, viruses, bees ants, elephants, or any kind of human being. This state of mind for me today that I have arrived on is a yogadaan from Sri Krishna for having persevered with my satya-advaita yoga over the last 22 years and proven the ancient saying dharmo rakshati rakshita; a study and yoga that led to my conception of Satya-advaita Vedanta or in English Conservative Libertariansim.

So truth-accommodation is a Vaishnavic tradition of Hinduism that adopts the Sanatan dharma of harmonizing in Nature to see only beauty in everything.

Eventually all the lies, deceit, self-centredness, the corruption perpetrated and institutionalised, catches up with you under the sacredness of Brahma-Nature that we live under, for all the mechanisms are there in Creation, imparted by our Supreme life-giver, the creator of the universe, and is built-in for the restoration of Sanatan dharma. It is just a matter of time when normalcy is restored in the proceedings of humanity. That is how it has always been, such is my faith and my karmic practices based on satya-advaita yoga, the result of which peace of mind totally and utterly.

Lies and corruption founded on ignorance however, that leads man to adopt specific measures in directing ones plans and schemes unaware that the Almighty tolerates these during lull phases for His own intents and purposes and at the suitable time makes His presence felt to instil some common-sence into man to know the provisions and limitations of His Creation so that we learn to live within those imperatives so that we do not get too ambitious into pursuing unviable man-designed structures and arrangements for the maintenance of the Earth as a habitable planet.

These historical developments in Earth are part of the pre-ordained and pre-orchestrated events with timely interventions from our spirituality to guide humanity forwards, as it has always done in the past in the processes of the civilisation of living beings through Evolution of the Species in the Paleontological Tree of life. For my earlier assumption that Sri Krishna is ambivalent as to what happens to humanity and Planet Earth as a consequence of the advent of inappropriate species that have been generated through the history of Earth was a premature deduction and may not be true, as far as I can tell now. God does listen and he does respond to bhakti-based devotion and he does awaken such persons from time to time to adopt a life that is good and benevolent for His own intents and purposes, for He, I assume, has the welfare of all life forms that He created through evolution from abiogenesis 4 billion years ago and patiently so for His own satisfaction that He has created something special here on Earth that I believe is unique in relation to the wider universe. We need to be very patient ourselves to realise this and study deeply all our scriptures and scientific, poetic, art, literature from across the globe to come to an understanding of what has been designed for us humans to reflect on and learn to appreciate. Truth accommodation for me is to conduct myself to that permanent ultimate reality that I perceive as well as to the nuances of Brahma-Nature in the ground reality of having to cope with the imminent and durable reality in the moment by moment passage of time individually and collectively by expressing our views as they have changed over time, in my case since first went into internet forums 12 years ago to find out what it has been going on in my earlier life from 1997-1998 doldrums that I had personally experienced to my material reputation and what is now going on to develop my perspective and objectives for my life which remain nonchalant and unpremeditated so as to see what is next for me in my fate and destiny as the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna only knows best so I remain at His disposal effectively.

12.38 am (UK Time) 14 November 2020


Shantanu Panigrahi

14 November 2020  ·

Shared with Public

Truth-accommodation is a Vaishnavic tradition of Hinduism that adopts the Sanatan dharma of harmonizing in Nature to see only beauty in everything.


Satya-advaita yoga: the scientific method for enquiry

In the quest to satisfy the need to know and unlock the secrets of the universe, satya-advaita yoga or the yoga of truth-accommodation is the only scientific method that one can adopt with its continual inner transformation of the mind and simultaneous knowledge distillation. The process is the ultimate in freethought and expression without fear of any contradiction for it is a steady approach and one writes one thoughts as one goes along the path of truth-search.

Satya-advaita yoga builds on extensive material knowledge from pure science based on research in the laboratory on the natural sciences and when this is exhausted and got nowwhere the mature mind looks inwards to see how the mind is working: Is it brainwashed into materialism so that there might be a spiritual dimension to existence? In my case I had visions, utterances and prophetic statements that were so unrealistic for a Pharmacologist to accept that I felt that a higher power might have been guiding me into a mission or warning me of dangers to my life and limb when I lost a cherished 18 year scientifiic career at the Natural Resources Institute and had published 35 odd scientific papers but was then found to have been blameworthy of gross misconduct in the workplace in my view unfairly. The quest for knowledge took a sharp turn when I decided to uncover the truth of how the State of the United Kingdom manifests itself in its legal and medical establishments. I tried to communicate with the imagined Personal God within who might have been awakening me into higher things from the 'noddy' work of poultry nutrition and animal and environmental sciences, but it only landed me in the mental hospital in 2004, and caused me severe depression for years. So I became an atheist for my riches to rags story in pondering how and why that could have been a God to guide me in my material struggle to restore my reputation.

The thirst for knowledge was very strong notwithstanding and I engaged in a battle for survival in the Police State of the United Kingdom, which lead to a second spell in the mental hospital in 2008. The possibility of a God within would not go away as I was still looking upwards for divine intervention and protection but this was a major setback for I had lost my freedom for the second time and I was then determined to become totally independent of the higher power and study the humanities and religions afresh to determine the nature of the inner reality contained in my mind on a day to day basis. The perceived God had not given me any concrete proof that He or she existed so that I could proclaim to the world that God existed either as Creator God or a Personal God.

From 2010 while doing menial jobs to earn some kind of living I was determined to stay out of the mental hospital or to get booted out of the United Kingdom or get sent to a prison for my legal proceedings undertaken that were examining the Constitution of the State to learn about the material realities of humanology, unwritten as the United Kingdom's Constitution was and still is. Warfare followed with the State and lasted right until this weekend, the 19 of June 2022. I had written 55 books of my autobiography in the finest detail and created numerous websites to publish legal and scientific materials that gave me a purpose in live and had brought me out of depression that followed the mental hospital incarcerations. I was gong to stay put in the United Kingdom with my family intact come what may and this is when I learnt to get the best out of myself to stave off dangers to my material prospects by controlling my mind: I survived in the United Kingdom.

All this struggle for survival are due to the fact that I discovered the science of satya-advaita yoga from personal experimentation that also revealed the truth of who I was and who we all are potentially.

Today I am back to being a theist and attribute all my early visions, utterances and prophetic statements to how the human mind works as generated by the brain and what we make of dreams and sayings on reflection is a personal interpretation as they can be potentially considerably delusional. I was classified in the mental hospital as suffering from persistent delusional disorder and this diagnosis was retained for years after I was released from the mental hospital in 2008 and kept in the Care in the Community provisions of the State. But all along the need to know had not been satisfied and I was determined that the yoga had to be continued for I reasoned that I only had one life and this was the best use to put it to. I learnt how to survive paranoid schizophrenia brought on from from having to cope with intense persecution, by losing all my attachments to material matters, beliefs, objectives, missions, plans, wishes, hopes, ambitions, expectations, desires and ego. It took a long time for me to know enough of how the mind works to discount the Bhagavad Gita as being a work of fiction based on a mythological story but which had led me and so others into what is generally pursued by Hindus in India as the word of God. The same is true of all other 'holy' books of established religions I deduced. By losing my attachments as a purely yogic exercise of inner transformation I sharpened my awareness of the dangers and pitfalls of dealing with national and international criminals who persecuted me over the past 24 years. Losing all the attachments led to finding my true nature free of the body-brain-mind complex that is called one's higher Self, and that state gives one the perfect actions to live in the most productive manner possible in the material world. I became mindless.

External and Internal Realities

Neurosciences and Cognitive studies of Psychology are blended into the comprehesnion of Reality in modern medicine but that does not accept the constitution of the Mind, Here I formulate a hypothesis for discussion ith LifePix to take place today the 29 October 2021 at 1.00 pm on Zoom: The preliminary considerations yielded the following:


Hello ST (LifePix)

It is interesting that you talk about rewiring your brain to understand Reality. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. Personally, I have been studying external and internal reality that together constitutes 'the Reality' for the past 24 years. For the external reality one uses ones brains, the memory cells that may be programmed or should I say brainwashed from one's upbringing and education so it is blinkered into what it wants to see as the external world and not what it truly is. To understand what the external world truly is one needs to adopt an experimental technique of scholarship in which one conducts truth-accommodational pursuits in always being prepared to shed off past learnings, buccaneer the truth through truth probes and accept the new reality that emerges. So the first rule is do not be attached to beliefs, always rationalise the external reality to see if working in accordance with the perception pays dividends. When one does this one arrives at a comprehension of the external reality and develops ideals on how the external reality needs to be accommodated within one's life structure.

That is the external reality. The brains are sufficient for this purpose in what I call the somatic mind. Now we can talk about the internal reality, that is what is left of one's thought generating process in the cerebellum after we shed the remainder of our bodily functionality, such as aims, objectives, missions, anticipations, expectations, wishes, hopes, ego and desires. When we do this we find that the mind is still capable of rationalising what is going on in the external reality, so we are now operating at the level of the Supermind as distinct to the somatic mind that deals with bodily functions relating to the external reality. Have you experienced the Supermind? It is fantastic. It enables a person to act nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly in all one's moment by moment actions and these actions are perfect in securing ones material and mental comforts in terms income from the external reality and mental peace of mind from internal reality.

How does this work, you will no doubt ask. It is like this. When one has shed off all one's attachments to the external reality incorporating one’s body-physical, one's Supermind is at play and this Supermind than is free of the baggage from the brainwashing of the somatic mind that led to acting in the material world in one's day to day activities in hit and miss objectives and missions none of which will ever be accomplished because all the objectives that are attained do not yield peace of mind. The Supermind being free of the baggage is floating in the internal Reality and pristine truth and knowledge descends in our thoughts making our actions based on it perfect. This is the basis of Spirituality.

So the moral of this exposition of the Reality is treat the external reality as an illusion and focus on the internal Reality as the source of all knowledge and information concerning the universe. Then alone one cannot go wrong.

Hey Shantanu!

Thank you for taking the time to write up such a detailed "argument" (for the lack of a better word) It makes me smile every time someone challenges what I say as it means they are thinking and not just taking things at face value.


I do understand what you say, although I don't know if I'm 100% in agreement. For that I would need a conversation to hash it out.

When we spoke about understanding reality on the podcast, it came from the point of view of understanding cognitive functions. One of the 28 cognitive functions discovered by Prof Reuven Feuerstein is Understanding reality. This is necessary to function in the world.  Yes, one can argue that it is just an external reality (and it may be true1) but some people have a hard time even with that=)

Would you like to do a podcast recording to discuss this and hear both sides? I think it would be an interesting conversations.

Let me know what you think.



Thank you, ST,

I am pleased that you seem to have recognised that there might be another dimension to thought processes, and it is merely designed to bring it to the attention of experts in cognitive neurosciences, not an 'argument' as such. It is true that people have a hard time dealing with the external reality. I certainly had a very hard time until I discovered through yoga that there was this dimension to our thought processes and I have given words to describe what they have been for me at least. I had to invent the vocabulary for there were no written guidance for me to go by, nor did I have a guru to assist me discover truths.

I would be amenable to discussing this subject at a podcast recording to thrash it out, for all the writings that I do are conjectures born of yoga. I do not have much experience of talking but to contribute to the discussion, I would say Ok if you would find it beneficial to relate it to cognitive studies, let us do it.

Thank you for your reply.





The Essentials of Satya-advaita Yoga in Practice

The Essentials of Satya-advaita Yoga in Practice

Satya-advaita yoga is translated into English as the yoga of Truth-accommodation. There are some basic features underlying this yoga.

Satya-advaita yoga must begin spiritually in bhakti and devotional surrender to God. Atheists will not be able to develop this yoga. Only in sincerest devotion and surrender to God are the fruits of the yoga realised in terms of the fathoming of reality.

There are different levels and planes of Reality and it is a continuous process for a yogi practicing satya-advaita yoga, and it could be decades before the art is mastered unless certain basic principles are adhered to from the outset, one of them being a belief in God. The premise of satya-advaita yoga is Truth is God and God is truth interchangeably. Once the yoga is mastered one has answers and responses to all the questions and issues that come one's way in the course of one's life, whether as a householder or as a sanyassi or monk in an ashrama away from society.

The satya-advaita yoga starts with the examination of the external environment when one has no idea of spirituality but a sincere belief that God exists and one has been going to temples and conducting rituals as a normal course of one's childhood as well as adulthood before any strict yoga is undertaken. There is no Power within or without that can descend on to the mind of a yogi for him or her to suddenly gain enlightenment.

If a person is a truth-seeker and practices dharma as an acknowledgment of God-bestowed meaning of life and in a universal manner, then God will come to the yogi and prove that He is present; that he exists. That is all that the yogi needs to be know to get on with his life. For living is what life is all about, and living must be done constructively and positively by immersing oneself in Nature. If one's devotion was strong enough God would come to the yogi as a devotee and awaken the individual into what treasures lies ahead for those who conduct satya-advaita yoga. This will include the fact that mundane work even as a formal scientist is noddy stuff compared with the treasures of truth that one can realise on the composition of Reality, and something which in the end generates great equanimity and ananda (joy).

The central feature of satya-advaita yoga is to not have any prejudices, biases, beliefs, and understanding of reality so that every single thought that establishes a certain concept to the mind should be detached in order to absorb new ideas from wherever they come. This does not mean that one cannot be critical of other sources of knowledge, but one must approach them from the angle of truth-probing and truth exposure. One has to reply and cover every single emial, telephone call, text message and never have correpondence unattended unresolved immediately. This gives the mind to move on to whatever comes next one's way. Having the last word is tantamount to lording over other human beings intellectually and is very important in moving in the right path towards total knowledge in a truth-path that the course identifies. It is a means to cover oneself against persecution for truth seekers will always be persecuted in society because they get to know more than what the average person knows and their actions then build a reputation to be admired by society and future generations as their legacy.

Satya-advaita yogis develop awareness of what is true and what is false and what are deceptions born of hidden agendas that other human beings instigate for their material welfare. For truth-accommodation yoga is a spiritual activity, beyond bodily needs when eventually one has no attachment to beliefs, not even to things that the yogi has created in the past, and no missions, no plans, no anticipations, no expectations, no hopes, no wishes, no ego and no desires materially or spiritually. The satya-advata yoga is at full liberty eventually even from considerations of God in his or her life.

In the process of truth-discovery the satya-advaita once he reaches this state of mind through sorting out his or her adversaries and generating evidence that are published for the world to read in the internet and in books that sell, knows that he or she only knows the truth when every one is silenced into inaction spoken or written. He or she then becomes the lord of the jungle.

All responses are truth raising if contemplated over, and one's reactions are buccaneering for more truths to emerge: one ignores correspondence received at one's peril, both materially and spiritually.

Yoga of the Mind, that is what satya-advaita yoga is. The yoga generates survival and survival in the dignity of liberty. I have been surviving like this since 2008 when I was last hospitalised under State Sectioning under its Mental Health Act by people I call criminals treating me for a mental disorder when all I was doing was seeking the truth, even in the hospital itself (2004, and 2008. One should do truth-buccaneering in the least violent manner possible, but even words spoken and swear words are permitted in withstanding persecution for they serve to raise the truth to the surface. Even blatant lies are permissible in one's bid to survive in liberty. This is an important part of satya-advaita yoga when the person is free to respond as it immediately occurs to him or her as the least offensive reaction to oppression. The reaction must be there with anyone or everyone that comes into one's path.

Always be content with each moment, still your mind, sleep as much as possible until tiredness goes and get up to look for something to do, most importantly, write. Develop your books and your website and publish everything to get it all into the public domain, for truth must be exposed and conserved. If that is your goal then you cannot go wrong in your actions.

Finally, to be a perfect satya-advaita yogi, never be attached to any action that one has taken at any given moment in time; and especially do not look forward to the fruits of those actions, for the action is done and over with and served the purpose so the yogi moves on. The action has probed the truth: silence immediatel is the answer one has. Always wait for something to turn up then take action: do not be proactive. Neither defend not attack. Just keep the conversation going naturally; the more knowledge you acquire the greater the scope for generating awareness for what needs to be done to secure one's liberty. My disciplinary charge at the University of Greenwich required probing actions to discover the reality of who was doing what to me and what their objectives were in doing what I saw as workplace harassment. With that single action of the University and even prior to that when I was being subjected to workplace harassment and suspension from the workplace, I reacted to those in 1997-1998 with the same probing words and actions, and this is fundamental to satya-advaita yoga. This is because Truth is the Ultimate Saviour: there is nothing higher in karma than truth-probing actions.



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